I. ACCEPTANCE-- Articles will be accepted Monday thru Saturday by appointment only- There is a 15 item limit per visit.

II. CONDITION-- To be accepted, articles must be up to date in style-excellent condition, freshly laundered or dry cleaned, seasonal (either Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter) and on hangers, Clothing showing any stain cannot be accepted.

III. PERIOD--Articles will be placed on sale for about 2 months.

IV. UNSOLD ITEMS-- Unsold items must be reclaimed at the end of 2 months, "Pick-Up Date-"In the event unsold items are not reclaimed within fifteen (15) days following "Pick-Up Date-"they shall become the property of CASTAWAYS and will be donated to charity.

V. PRICE REDUCTION-- Permission is hereby given to CASTAWAYS to reduce the price of any item in the event it remains unsold thirty (30) days after acceptance, Permission is also given to CASTAWAYS to reduce the price of any item that is found to be in unsatisfactory condition after acceptance.

VI. PAYMENT-- Check for payment will be available at CASTAWAYS on the "Pick-Up Date-" Consignor will receive 50% of the sale price, minus 75 cents service charge per check, Checks unclaimed 60 days after pick up date will be forfeited.

VII. RESPONSIBILITY-- CASTAWAYS can not be held responsible for losses due to fire,

theft or any other casualty. ITEMS ARE LEFT IN THE STORE AT OWNER'S RISK.


BY__________________________ _________________________ Signature

ACCOUNT #__________________ _________________________ Name

ACCEPTANCE DATE____________ ________________________ Address Zip

PICKUP DATE _________________ ________________________ Telephone #